Monday, April 18, 2011

TCM Health Talk by Public Free Clinic Society

Kebun Baru CC SCEC held its second in a series of TCM Health Talks on Sunday, 17th April 2011 at Kebun Baru CC. The topic was "Regulating emotions for clearing heat - to create a comfortable and flexible life". There was a reasonable turnout for the talk by Medical Practioner Loh from Public Free Clinic. He started by presenting the daily life of our modern society, full of stress from work, family, etc. These stress effectively affect our emotions. He then elobrated on the seven emotions in Chinese medical terminology and how they would affect one's health i.e. through internal damage to human organs such as heart, liver, kidney, colon, and bladder. He further dealt with preventive measures in various TCM ways which include massage of the acupoints of our body, simple exercises, hot bath, listening to soothing music, more communication with friends, change of diets, etc. He also gave a few tips on the type of diets which could help to deal with emotions. The event was supported by Kebun Baru Active Ageing Committee. In our subsequent talks, once a month till August 2011 - topics include "Prevention and treatment of Rheumatism in Chinese Medicine", "Distinction between Physiques and TCM Lifestyle", "Prevention and treatment of skin itching and ageing in Chinese Medicine", and "Sleeping disorders in Chinese Medicine - sleep well, look younger". Further details would be made available to you in due course.